Submission Deadline: September 11, 2022 by 12:00 AM (24:00 EST)
You are invited to submit abstracts of your original research to be considered for presentation at the 20th Annual Meeting of the Androgen Excess & Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Society (AE-PCOS Society). To be considered for presentation your abstract must be submitted no later than September 11th, 2022 by 12:00 am (24:00 EST). All abstracts will be reviewed by a blinded scientific committee nominated by AE-PCOS Annual Meeting Committee.
Instructions for Submission of Abstracts
Please read the following guidelines thoroughly before preparing your abstract. The Annual Meeting Scientific Committee of the AE-PCOS will not consider abstracts that have not been prepared in accordance with these instructions. All abstracts must be submitted via the online abstract forms below. Abstracts will be accepted with the understanding that the work has not been published elsewhere. Submission of an abstract assumes the approval of the author and all co-author(s) to have their abstract published in the Meeting Program book, available to download for meeting attendees. Copyright of accepted abstracts will automatically be assigned to the AE-PCOS Society, Inc.
The abstract should be as informative as possible. If accepted, your abstract will appear in the online Meeting Program book exactly as submitted. The AE-PCOS Society reserves the right to decide on the form of presentation (oral or poster) in the interests of the scientific program. It is understood that the first author of the abstract will serve as the presenter, and that the presenter will be registered for Virtual Annual Meeting of the AE-PCOS Society (please register through meeting link on this website). The abstract text may have up to 2700 characters Do not include title or authors within the abstract body text. Do not include image files or tables in your abstract text. Special and scientific characters may be included Spaces are not counted in the character total. 5. The abstract body is required to follow a format that includes the four specific sections listed. Section headings must be in upper case, followed by a colon. OBJECTIVE: Include an introductory sentence and state the purpose of the study. METHODS: Describe material/method and applicable statistical analysis. RESULTS: Report the previously unpublished data/findings. CONCLUSIONS: Interpret the result in the broader context of the field and state potential implications. This may also include a statement on perceived impact and relevance.