Early Career Special Interest Group (EC-SIG)

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The AE-PCOS Early Career Special Interest Group (EC-SIG) is a forum for early career professionals to network and obtain professional development. Activities include quarterly conference calls and on-line meet the professor sessions as well as special networking events at scientific meetings. Early career professionals of the AE-PCOS society are encouraged to participate in the Early Career Special Interest Group. Please contact the co-chairs below for more details.

Snigdha Alur-Gupta, M.D., M.S.C.E. Co-Chair
Snigdha Alur-Gupta, M.D., M.S.C.E. Co-Chair
Nour Mimouni, Ph.D.
Nour Mimouni, Ph.D. Co-Chair
Sharmin Abbasi, MBBS, FCPS (OBGYN), MCPS, FACS (USA),  Secretary
Sharmin Abbasi, MBBS, FCPS (OBGYN), MCPS, FACS (USA), Secretary
Melanie Cree, M.D., Ph.D. Faculty Mentor
Melanie Cree, M.D., Ph.D. Faculty Mentor
Marla Lujan., Ph.D. Faculty Mentor
Marla Lujan., Ph.D. Faculty Mentor

Early Career Special Interest Group eligibility:

Membership is open to early career professionals who are active members of the AEPCOS Society. Early career professionals include those at the undergraduate, pre-doctoral, doctoral, and masters, postdoctoral level as well as clinical fellows and faculty and/or professionals within 5 years of their most recent training completion.


This past year's events:

-Patient Advocacy with Rachel Mormon
-Research Outreach with Ansh Labs CEO Tony Morrison
-Meet the Professor events with Prof. Rebecca Campbell and Prof. Melanie Cree
-Launched EDGEPCOS talks
-Progress and Pitfalls in PCOS Symposiums featuring Southeast Asia and Australasia
-Annual Meeting Networking and Leadership coaching events
-Quarterly Meetings in February, April, July
-Lightning Rounds each quarterly meeting featuring ECSIG

Upcoming events:

-December 2024 Meet the Professor

-January 2025 Leadership meeting